I'm so very proud of Aidan!!!
So far this is the best progress report. Of course there are "S"'s and "W"'s (working on skills) which really doesn't mean much but it was the teachers comments that made my day!
"WOW! Aidan has shown so much improvement in his work. He is speaking and participating in class a lot more. Keep up the great work!"
Lucky for him we were already going to take him to play mini golf tomorrow for the first time but now we can tell him it's because of his work at school :) As hard as the bad times are when they are happening, the good ones always out weigh the bads.
On a side note, The phrase it takes a village...Could not be truer! I want to thank my neighbors who have always done small things like bring over freshly baked sweets :) yum!, let me borrow milk when Skylar ran out or picking up Aidan at the bus stop when I was stuck in traffic trying to get home (like yesterday I was stuck in traffic because of the shuttle launch, I live on a main road everyone takes to the beach) From moral support, to a shoulder to cry or vent on or potty training tips & tricks: It takes a village to live successfully and happily. I am very grateful for the people around me that help out in the smallest ways and they may never know how important they are even by one single easy act.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Aidan's Drawings
Today this was in Aidan's folder from school. The back of the paper says it is a practice draft whatever that means. Aidan said he was asked to draw family... I said then who is in the picture? He says that is me & Britney (a girl in his class) I love the houses with a heart over their heads!!! so adorable. He also tried to get their features exactly like they really are. She has blonde hair and Aidan says always has a flower bow in her hair as seen in his picture.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Why do children love to pack things?
Here is the end result from the Massey Ball lol and my neighbors skill at tieing a tie.

Why is it that children (or maybe just my children) love to pack things into bigger things? Skylar comes dragging a really heavy little bag full of Aidan's cars & trains into the kitchen this morning and says "it's too heavy, you take it" She is so adorable! I find toys and cars and hair clips shoved into purses and backpacks and boxes all over the house. I find at least one surprise daily around here. She gets into my Tupperware drawer and pulls them all out and will leave them all around the house with trains in them. Have you ever stepped on a metal Thomas The Train? They hurt! I think they hurt worse at 1am on your way to the bathroom. :)
For Christmas, Skylar got a pack of Toy Story Characters (the good guys) and they are miniature (about 2 1/2" tall) and she plays with them all day everyday. She transfers them from one box to another purse, I find them stuck on top of the windows where they lock! It has Buzz and Woody, Jesse, Bullseye, Barbie and Ken (even though he came in the bad guy pack she thinks he's a good guy) and as soon as she leaves them somewhere she's crying for me to find them again. Well we lost Bullseye. The horse I'm sure is hiding in a couch cushion somewhere or under a shoe, or in a shoe probably! I find toys in my shoes by the font door.
to be continued.. (someone is having a 3 year old tantrum at the moment)
Why is it that children (or maybe just my children) love to pack things into bigger things? Skylar comes dragging a really heavy little bag full of Aidan's cars & trains into the kitchen this morning and says "it's too heavy, you take it" She is so adorable! I find toys and cars and hair clips shoved into purses and backpacks and boxes all over the house. I find at least one surprise daily around here. She gets into my Tupperware drawer and pulls them all out and will leave them all around the house with trains in them. Have you ever stepped on a metal Thomas The Train? They hurt! I think they hurt worse at 1am on your way to the bathroom. :)
For Christmas, Skylar got a pack of Toy Story Characters (the good guys) and they are miniature (about 2 1/2" tall) and she plays with them all day everyday. She transfers them from one box to another purse, I find them stuck on top of the windows where they lock! It has Buzz and Woody, Jesse, Bullseye, Barbie and Ken (even though he came in the bad guy pack she thinks he's a good guy) and as soon as she leaves them somewhere she's crying for me to find them again. Well we lost Bullseye. The horse I'm sure is hiding in a couch cushion somewhere or under a shoe, or in a shoe probably! I find toys in my shoes by the font door.
to be continued.. (someone is having a 3 year old tantrum at the moment)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
It has been awhile.
I don't think that an hour is enough time to get Aidan ready for school in the morning before the bus comes. Plus me and Skylar at least presentable to be seen at the bus stop (haha) and make his lunch, fill out his "blue" folder/make sure his homework made it into his folder. You think I would do all of this the night before? Nope, not really :) We have been running late to the bus stop everyday this week. Aidan hit 100 days of school late week so they did a party with all of the other Kindergartners and also a family poster we made which I didn't get any pictures of so I will when he brings it back home. We did 100 food & drinks since well, I have a lot of grocery ads lying around lol. Also this week he had to make a "mailbox" for his desk for Valentines Day. I'm so excited!! I hope he really enjoys his first Vday at school with a party and all of his cards. Again, I haven't taken a picture of his box yet either but I will post it on Monday after he gets home so I can see all of his cards. We were supposed to turn it in on Friday but we were running late to the bus stop- go figure!
Actually I made Aidan 5 Chicken nuggets that I cooked in the microwave and I laid them on a paper towel on the counter to cool off before I put them in a zippy bag then into his lunch box, I've done this every morning since school began (mostly, sometimes it is a peanut butter sandwich) and never had any problems. Then right before we leave I put them into his lunchbox along with his juice box. On Friday I went to grab his lunch and there was only 1 chicken nugget on the paper towel. SKYLAR!!!!! I asked her is she ate his nuggets and she laughed and said yes (with crumbs on her face) So I had to make more then quickly put them in the freezer to cool off. So we forgot yet another homework assignment as we are running out the door as the bus is pulling up at the end of the street. *sigh* Also Skylar is in pink plastic high heels! But that is a story (with pics) for tomorrow. We have a banquet for Joe's work this afternoon and I have to go find a neighbor who can help teach me how to tie a tie. LOL that is something my mother never taught me and again, a story for tomorrow with pics.
Actually I made Aidan 5 Chicken nuggets that I cooked in the microwave and I laid them on a paper towel on the counter to cool off before I put them in a zippy bag then into his lunch box, I've done this every morning since school began (mostly, sometimes it is a peanut butter sandwich) and never had any problems. Then right before we leave I put them into his lunchbox along with his juice box. On Friday I went to grab his lunch and there was only 1 chicken nugget on the paper towel. SKYLAR!!!!! I asked her is she ate his nuggets and she laughed and said yes (with crumbs on her face) So I had to make more then quickly put them in the freezer to cool off. So we forgot yet another homework assignment as we are running out the door as the bus is pulling up at the end of the street. *sigh* Also Skylar is in pink plastic high heels! But that is a story (with pics) for tomorrow. We have a banquet for Joe's work this afternoon and I have to go find a neighbor who can help teach me how to tie a tie. LOL that is something my mother never taught me and again, a story for tomorrow with pics.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
coloring between the lines
:) This one made me laugh... This is a copy of one of Aidan's homework pages from last night. While he was working on the math paper I was just sitting next to him trying to let him figure it out without my help and his box of crayons were right in front of me so I started drawing on a piece of paper. Then I see that he didn't color the letter "U" or the little umbrella pictures on his homework assignment so I just started doodling. I colored his page for him without even realizing I was doing it since he had moved on to his math homework. I just opened up his blue homework folder and saw the comment his teacher left about "his coloring" :) Mommy got an A in coloring today!
The Holidays Are Over...
Well after a nice 2 week break from school Aidan is back this past Monday. He was very excited to get back! He received 2 new jackets for Christmas so he should be nice & warm as long as he doesn't lose them :)
Already 3 days back into school & I'm irritated with his school. Aidan didn't bring home his blue folder on Monday, I received an email saying he forgot it and he will get it on Tuesday. On Tuesday all of the usual papers that are in it for me to fill out (ex: what book we read as daily homework and any other homework)was not in the folder. Ok I guess his teacher still needs a few days to get everything back in order since we was also on vacation for 2 weeks. I get the folder Wednesday night & Monday & Tuesday's homework sheets were circled with a message pretty much saying is this done? hmmm I'm not a rocket scientist but should I have at least a day to fill out the paperwork & return it? I can't fill it out nor can Aidan do invisible homework that isn't in the folder *sigh*
Also every month Aidan gets these "family" projects that we are supposed to do with him as a family. In October it was a pumpkin we had to decorate & write a little story about it, in November it was a Turkey, in Dec a Christmas Tree, well on Wednesday I get the new project which is a snowman, and the due date says Friday. huh?? This isn't the first time this happens. We have gotten the family project in his folder and the due date said that day or the day before we even received the paper. I swear these people are not together or organized. At least we are given 2 whole days to work on this one (now one since we didn't do it yesterday) but when homework is involved with parents I think more then 24-48 should be given notice, some people actually work for a living or are sick or have to make dinner or anything else that comes up on top of helping Aidan with his homework, doing his sight words flash cards, reading at least 20 minutes a day as homework and reading another book for this Accelerated Readers test thing.
Ok now that I'm done venting... I'm changing the name of this blog to Surviving my children :) So many things happen on a daily basis here that pertain to not just Aidan & his school but him & Skylar & Daddy. There are so many moments that I wish 10-15 years from now I will be able to remember (without keeping a physical journal) so I am now making this my journal, starting tonight. These things are to make you laugh or smile or maybe cry, not rantings about life. They are things to enjoy while having children! with that being said...maybe...see you tonight!
Already 3 days back into school & I'm irritated with his school. Aidan didn't bring home his blue folder on Monday, I received an email saying he forgot it and he will get it on Tuesday. On Tuesday all of the usual papers that are in it for me to fill out (ex: what book we read as daily homework and any other homework)was not in the folder. Ok I guess his teacher still needs a few days to get everything back in order since we was also on vacation for 2 weeks. I get the folder Wednesday night & Monday & Tuesday's homework sheets were circled with a message pretty much saying is this done? hmmm I'm not a rocket scientist but should I have at least a day to fill out the paperwork & return it? I can't fill it out nor can Aidan do invisible homework that isn't in the folder *sigh*
Also every month Aidan gets these "family" projects that we are supposed to do with him as a family. In October it was a pumpkin we had to decorate & write a little story about it, in November it was a Turkey, in Dec a Christmas Tree, well on Wednesday I get the new project which is a snowman, and the due date says Friday. huh?? This isn't the first time this happens. We have gotten the family project in his folder and the due date said that day or the day before we even received the paper. I swear these people are not together or organized. At least we are given 2 whole days to work on this one (now one since we didn't do it yesterday) but when homework is involved with parents I think more then 24-48 should be given notice, some people actually work for a living or are sick or have to make dinner or anything else that comes up on top of helping Aidan with his homework, doing his sight words flash cards, reading at least 20 minutes a day as homework and reading another book for this Accelerated Readers test thing.
Ok now that I'm done venting... I'm changing the name of this blog to Surviving my children :) So many things happen on a daily basis here that pertain to not just Aidan & his school but him & Skylar & Daddy. There are so many moments that I wish 10-15 years from now I will be able to remember (without keeping a physical journal) so I am now making this my journal, starting tonight. These things are to make you laugh or smile or maybe cry, not rantings about life. They are things to enjoy while having children! with that being said...maybe...see you tonight!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jackets & Cold Weather
I know it is not snowing here in Florida :) but this past week has been really cold here...cold for us. It was cold enough that I made Aidan wear a thermal outfit underneath his clothes plus his jacket. It wasn't until this morning when we are about to walk out the door that I realize his jacket is missing. He informs me that he left it in P.E. yesterday. I told him he has to tell his teacher to let him go & get his jacket, I also write her a note and told him to give it to her since it HAD to be found today...it is his ONLY jacket. Although it doesn't get super cold here normally in December (Monday morning when he goes to the bus stop it will be 23 degrees) I just am not prepared for winter yet. Aidan came home today with no jacket. I asked him where it was and he said his teacher said she'll get it. Excuse me? Either it is stolen or it is in the lost & found box, either way I need to know. The office tells me that I have to come down myself and look in the box for the jacket between school hours, 8-4pm not going to happen when Joe has our only car for work during this time period. This is why I sent the note!! Aidan should have been allowed to go to the lost & found box to look for his jacket, his teacher doesn't know what it looks like. Now he has to go to school again tomorrow with no jacket and tomorrow night I'll have to go buy him another one if it isn't found.
As I'm typing this I ask Aidan to bring me his blue folder so I can see what homework he has and he says it is not in his backpack. WTF?? Yet again mix up with the teacher not giving Aidan his folder or the right folder with his name on it.
I am very appreciative that Aidan's teacher is doing well with him. He's happy & I can see a huge improvement with his learning, with that being said... I really do not like his school as a whole. I can't call his teacher during school hours, she hasn't returned my email in 3 days, the administrator who answers all phone calls is also the B*TCH that laughed at us when they lost my son on his first day of school. Their website is not up to date and any important school information never seems to make it's way home either in a flyer, phone call, email, or website info. Next year I really am considering driving him 30 minutes to the Elementary school I went to. I grew up in a small town in the next county over and some of the teachers I had still are teaching there today. There is only so much incompetence that I can take from a school.
As I'm typing this I ask Aidan to bring me his blue folder so I can see what homework he has and he says it is not in his backpack. WTF?? Yet again mix up with the teacher not giving Aidan his folder or the right folder with his name on it.
I am very appreciative that Aidan's teacher is doing well with him. He's happy & I can see a huge improvement with his learning, with that being said... I really do not like his school as a whole. I can't call his teacher during school hours, she hasn't returned my email in 3 days, the administrator who answers all phone calls is also the B*TCH that laughed at us when they lost my son on his first day of school. Their website is not up to date and any important school information never seems to make it's way home either in a flyer, phone call, email, or website info. Next year I really am considering driving him 30 minutes to the Elementary school I went to. I grew up in a small town in the next county over and some of the teachers I had still are teaching there today. There is only so much incompetence that I can take from a school.
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