Last Thursday Aidan came home from school and barely had touched his lunch, plus he didn't throw it away, he left it spilling into his lunchbox which is very strange for him not to just throw it away at school. He also had no given his blue folder to his teacher or his 2 library books. I emailed his teacher and asked her what went on at school and why didn't he turn in his stuff. She responded with she asked him twice at two separate times of the day to get his folder & put it in her mailbox and Aidan walked over to his backpack each time and then just walked away. Ok something is wrong. Well 2 hours after he got home from school I figured out what it was. He immediately spiked a fever of 102 and kept it for 48 hours. He was just out of it. He laid down on the couch and wouldn't eat or drink anything. I finally had to force cold sprite and Tea down his throat since he refused to take any medicine that might bring down the fever, needless to say he received 3 cool baths on Thursday to help. He slept in our bed all weekend and by Monday morning his fever had returned and was still throwing up. So now we have missed Friday and Monday of school again -which I HATE because he was doing so well and I hate to know what he missed at school. I'm sure tonight will be homework catch up night for sure!
His field trip is this Thursday so I hope he feels a lot better by then. I thought he missed out on Tie Dyeing shirts that they will be wearing on his field trip but his teacher emailed me yesterday and said they are doing them today. So I sent him to school today, phone is near me in case I have to go pick him up.
However I spent $20.00 is tie dying stuff yesterday at Walmart because I thought he did miss out on doing it at school. Now when he gets home today we are all going to do it together. We even got pink & purple so Skylar can do her own T-shirt! I spent over an hour Google-ing techniques :) I have never tie dyed anything before! So I will add pictures tomorrow of our mess
Also I have decided that for his Birthday (December 2nd) since all he wants is a party with a bounce house that he is getting one present from us. I've been looking into different things he wants but I've decided on this new Leap Frog Leapster Explorer. It seems to have a lot of learning features that he would really like. Plus I really would like him to have a hand held device that he can take in the car or in his own room and get off my computer. It has lots of learning games and tracing letters and a lOT more features including E-books, videos, even a camera attachment. What do you think? It is $69.00 which makes me gulp very hard on top of an already $80.00 Bounce house with party & food. However, if he gets it for his birthday, he can break it in and then get more games & accessories for Christmas which isn't much later.
(Maybe I'll just start a birthday fund :)