Halloween was 2 days ago. I dislike that it was on a Sunday and Aidan had school the next day but it still went well. Aidan was Iron Man. Skylar also wanted to be Iron Man. Skylar at the last minute became very sick and with it being a little chilly here at night this past week, we decided no costume for her but warm pajamas and shoes & socks. She had a wet cough in her chest with a lot of head congestion :( (this is after I was also sick 3 days before for about 48 hours as well)
We were getting in the car, packing up the kids and the stroller to drive a few blocks away in our neighborhood to my sister in laws house to trick or treat with her kids when me and Joe felt really badly for Skylar. It wasn't as chilly as we thought it would be so we grabbed her pumpkin for candy, threw on a cute pink punk skirt, (over her ducky pajama bottoms) a skull necklace and a "play and destroy" T-shirt. she looked adorable. In the end it all worked out. It didn't get as chilly and she of course wanted to walk and trick or treat the entire time. We pushed the stroller the whole night for nothing :) I take that back, JOE pushed the stroller the whole night while I ran up to every door with her and listened to this cute sick voice saying trick or treat. At one house she asked the lady for a snickers bar for her daddy :) that was the best!