Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jackets & Cold Weather

I know it is not snowing here in Florida :) but this past week has been really cold here...cold for us. It was cold enough that I made Aidan wear a thermal outfit underneath his clothes plus his jacket. It wasn't until this morning when we are about to walk out the door that I realize his jacket is missing. He informs me that he left it in P.E. yesterday. I told him he has to tell his teacher to let him go & get his jacket, I also write her a note and told him to give it to her since it HAD to be found is his ONLY jacket. Although it doesn't get super cold here normally in December (Monday morning when he goes to the bus stop it will be 23 degrees) I just am not prepared for winter yet. Aidan came home today with no jacket. I asked him where it was and he said his teacher said she'll get it. Excuse me? Either it is stolen or it is in the lost & found box, either way I need to know. The office tells me that I have to come down myself and look in the box for the jacket between school hours, 8-4pm not going to happen when Joe has our only car for work during this time period. This is why I sent the note!! Aidan should have been allowed to go to the lost & found box to look for his jacket, his teacher doesn't know what it looks like. Now he has to go to school again tomorrow with no jacket and tomorrow night I'll have to go buy him another one if it isn't found.

As I'm typing this I ask Aidan to bring me his blue folder so I can see what homework he has and he says it is not in his backpack. WTF?? Yet again mix up with the teacher not giving Aidan his folder or the right folder with his name on it.

I am very appreciative that Aidan's teacher is doing well with him. He's happy & I can see a huge improvement with his learning, with that being said... I really do not like his school as a whole. I can't call his teacher during school hours, she hasn't returned my email in 3 days, the administrator who answers all phone calls is also the B*TCH that laughed at us when they lost my son on his first day of school. Their website is not up to date and any important school information never seems to make it's way home either in a flyer, phone call, email, or website info. Next year I really am considering driving him 30 minutes to the Elementary school I went to. I grew up in a small town in the next county over and some of the teachers I had still are teaching there today. There is only so much incompetence that I can take from a school.


  1. The jacket/mittens thing is an age-old dilemma. I'm surprised somebody with some Yankee ingenuity hasn't tackled this one. Ya know...find a need and fill it. Come up with a system that pleases parents, kids, and school personnel, and you could work a couple of months out of the year doing the logistics. If you come up with a plan, I'm in. We start where cold weather is minimal (i.e. FL ) then expand north!

  2. I like that! :) I might just think of something that can help all parents.
