Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kindergarten DAY 8

Wednesday September 1 2010

I'm so aggravated at this blue take home folder of Aidan's. I thought it was for me to look at everyday with information for me, fliers, school announcements, etc.. Apparently it is a "communication" folder. Explain to me again why teachers nowadays communicate through a folder & a 5 year old? It is like passing notes in study hall. I emailed his teacher yesterday after 3 worksheets appeared in the folder with question marks at the top -nothing else. On a calendar was a note (with a tone) to complete homework. I was under the impression homework so far was reading for 20 minutes a night and signing off on the calendar which books we read. If this was a homework folder, shouldn't I have been told this at open house? Or any other time in the past week? *sigh* Right after I received the very structured and business sounding email from his teacher, I received the same email again however, it was Carbon copied to every other parent in the teacher's email address so they are now informed as well.

I'm happy now we are all on the same page. I'm still upset at how all of this feels so impersonal. Maybe it is just Aidan's teacher? Maybe it's the school? The County School System? How would I know. All I do know is this fairy tale dream I had of a great school year and meeting the teacher and helping out in the classroom, and baking cookies, is a sham. I really do hate to think this is how it is done nowadays.

Aidan is very smart and we sat down and did all 3 worksheets very quickly, in fact when we were done he wanted more to do. He is getting a lot better at cutting
(we are cheating & using my good scissors) I also had to refrain from gluing his pictures onto his homework for him, I handed him the glue stick and let him go to town. I think we don't realize how much we do for our kids without letting them try it for themselves. Such as letting Aidan put the straw in his own juice box. Sounds really dumb right? That A 5 year old should be able to put a straw in his own juice box, but what if he's never done it before? I have ALWAYS just ripped it of the side, pushed it out of the plastic & popped it in the top for him. He probably didn't even know it didn't already come with the straw inside.

So that is my new goal for this year, let Aidan try to do everything first for himself, and then offer my help. Although opening the top of those hunts pudding cups are a big pain that I don't expect him to be able to do just yet. I ask him then who opens it during his lunch time? He told me a girl rips it open with her teeth for him everyday. LOL now that is funny. I wonder if that little girl goes home and tells her mommy that she opens a little boys pudding everyday with her teeth because he can't (he lost 3 teeth already in the front due to horseplay and an ottoman to my rocking chair) Score Furniture:3 Aidan:0

1 comment:

  1. That is quite a revelation you've had already! That gem is a keeper. Sounds like Aidan is doing fine. This is my favorite post so far because you are learning, unlearning, and relearning despite the unknown factors in the equation. I am proud of you.
